
Dr. Chi Zhang

Research Scientist, Verisk, Inc. Boston, MA, USA.

Research Interests: Civil/Structural Engineering.

Email: zhangchi0721@gmail.com

Associate Editors

Dr. Linan Liu

China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing, China.

Research Interests: machine learning; deep learning; computational methods.

Email: linanliu@cugb.edu.cn

Dr. Takfarinas Saber

Lero, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software, School of Computer Science, University of Galway, Galway, Ireland.

Research Interests: complex software system; software engineering and testing; operations research; evolutionary computation; machine learning; multi-objective optimization.

Email: takfarinas.saber@universityofgalway.ie

Editorial Board Members

Dr. Alan Wang

Auckland Bioengineering Institute, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.

Research Interests: Biomedical Engineering, Bioengineering, Artifical Intelligence, Intelligent medical informatics, computational life science.

Email: alan.wang@auckland.ac.nz

Dr. Fuhua Chen

Department of Physical Sciences & Mathematics, West Liberty University, West Liberty, WV 26074, USA.

Research Interests: variational and statistical modeling and analysis; computational mathematics and numerical optimizations; image segmentation and image matting; feature extraction and pattern recognition; object tracking; computer-aided diagnosis; person re-identification and data science.

Email: fuhua.chen@westliberty.edu

Dr. Ranjan Hebbar

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., 7171 Southwest Pkwy, Austin, TX 78735, USA.

Research Interests: CPU performance evaluation; workload characterization; scalability analysis; CPU power management; workload tracing; top-down micro-architectural analysis; SPEC CPU2017; dynamic voltage & frequency scaling.

Email: ranjanhebbarsr@gmail.com

Dr. Senthil Velan Suganantham

Department of Information Science and Engineering, CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore 560037, India.

Research Interests: aspect oriented software development; qualitiative/quantitative software measurements and machine learning.

Email: senthil.v@cmrit.ac.in

Dr. Raja Sarath Kumar Boddu

Faculty of Computer Science, Lenora College of Engineering, Andhra Pradesh 533288, India.

Research Interests: machine learning; data science.

Email: iamsarathphd@gmail.com

Dr. Runxue Bao

GE Healthcare, Washington 98004, USA.

Research Interests: generative AI; machine learning; deep learning; large-scale optimization; transfer learning.

Email: baorunxue@gmail.com

Dr. Kevin Bronik

Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK.

Research Interests: mathematics-applied mathematics/statistics (numerical analysis and mathematical modeling); classical, quantum, and statistical mechanics-applied mechanics; physics-applied physics; graph theory and network science; machine learning & artificial intelligence; GPU computing; scientific C++/CUDA/Matlab/Python programming.

Email: kevin.bronik@eng.ox.ac.uk

Dr. Tingsong Xiao

Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, University of Florida, Florida, USA.

Research Interests: Graph Neural Networks, Data Mining, Information Retrieval, Temporal Point Process, Trustworthy AI.

Email: xtstars1998@gmail.com

Mr. Lisang Zhou

Bazaarvoice Inc. 10901 Stonelake Blvd, Austin, TX 78759, United States.

Research Interests: Load Balancing, Cloud Analytics, Cloud Devops, Reliability Analysis.

Email: lzhou@berkeley.edu

Mr. Haoyu Yang

Northern Arizona University, College of Engineering, Informatics, and Applied Sciences , Flagstaff, AZ, 86011 , United States of America.

Research Interests: Digital Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing.

Email: hy298@nau.edu

Dr. Linxia Song

University of South Florida 4202E Fowler Avenue Tampa, FL, 33620 United States.

Research Interests: Analytical chemistry, Mass spectrometry,Metabolomics.

Email: lsong0590@gmail.com

Dr. Yilang Hao

New York University, New York, NY 10012, USA.

Research Interests: operations research, numerical optimziation, heuristic design, control theory, machine learning.

Email: yilanghao@nyu.edu

Dr. Shuguang Xiong

Microsoft Inc.

Research Interests: Wireless sensor networks, Machine learning, Deep learning, Computer vision, Support Vector Machine.

Email: shuxiong@microsoft.com

Dr. Fan Yu

University of Missouri - Columbia 5027 South Providence Rd, Columbia, MO 65203, United States.

Research Interests: AI education, STEM education, HCI in learning technologies.

Email: fyu@mail.missouri.edu

Mr. Zhenghan Chen

Peking University, No. 5, Yiheyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China.

Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Large Language Model.

Email: zhenghan.chen@alumni.pku.edu.cn


Guojun Zhang

Sr. Engineering Program Manager, Quadrant international inc.

Research Interests: FEA Simulation, Electrical Magnetic simulation, Mechatronics, Motor Design, Robot Joint Motor, Generative AI, Motion track algorithm.

Email: Emily@woosung.cn; ez900113@gmail.com


Mr. Tong Zhou

Air China Cargo Co., Ltd., Beijing 101318, China.

Research Interests: Aircraft Airworthiness and Maintenance, Reliability Analysis, Management of Engineering, Aircraft Electrical System.

Email: zhoutong@airchinacargo.com


Huitao Zhang

Northern Arizona, University, Flagstaff, AZ, USA.

Research Interests: Data Science, Machine Learning, Algorithmic Optimizations, Deep Learning, Software Engineering.

Email: hz345@nau.edu