Journal of Integrated Social Sciences and Humanities <p><em><strong>Journal of Integrated Social Sciences and Humanities</strong></em> (JISSH) is a multidisciplinary platform dedicated to the exploration and dissemination of innovative research at the intersection of social sciences and humanities. With a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, JISSH aims to foster a vibrant scholarly community that engages with complex societal issues through an integrated lens, encompassing diverse perspectives from the fields of sociology, anthropology, psychology, history, literature, philosophy, and related disciplines.</p> <p>The journal provides a comprehensive platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to publish and access high-quality, original research that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries. JISSH welcomes contributions that address critical social and cultural phenomena, historical developments, philosophical inquiries, and contemporary human experiences, offering a forum for rigorous academic inquiry and intellectual exchange. <strong>ISSN(Online): 3041-069X</strong></p> en-US Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OJS 60 Student Self-Management, Academic Achievement: Exploring the Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy and the Moderating Influence of Gender—Insights From a Survey Conducted in 3 Universities in America <p class="14"><span lang="EN-US">Excellent students are not only those who master more effective and efficient learning techniques to acquire and apply information. Even in the absence of correct learning, they are able to self-motivate, evaluate, and adjust their behavior. This study aims to explore the relationship between student self-management and academic achievement, with a focus on investigating the mediating role of self-efficacy and the moderating influence of gender in this relationship. A total of 289 students from three universities in the United States participated in this research. The results of the study indicate that students' level of self-management is positively correlated with their academic achievement, with self-efficacy playing a mediating role in this relationship and gender exerting a certain moderating effect. This study provides important insights into understanding the relationship between student self-management and academic achievement and supports the crucial role of educational leaders in educational practice.</span></p> Zhiqiang Zhao, Ping Ren, Qian Yang Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Integrated Social Sciences and Humanities Mon, 25 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Does digital strategy, organizational agility, digital lead-ership promote DT? A study of digital strategy, organiza-tional agility, digital leadership affects corporate DT in Chinese technological firms <p>Digital transformation (DT), digital strategy and digital leadership, digital agility seem to be concomitant phenomena in recent years, drawing a NIT theory, TAM theory and digital transformation theory, this study developed and tested a model and hypothesis on how digital transformational leadership, digital strategy and organizational agility influence digital transformation. Alternatively, this paper found that digital transformational leadership, digital strategy and organizational agility positively influence digital transformation and their relationships. This study uses survey data from the Chinese companies -Qihoo and Didi Global as a sample. The sample size is more than 220 respondents. The quantitative text analysis method is used to measure the attention to digitalization of Qihoo and Didi companies. This paper discusses: (1) explore the relationship between digital transformational leadership, organizational agility and digital strategy, and how they affect digital transformation in China (Qihoo360 and Didi Global firm). (2) identify the firm's measurement items of digital transformation organizational in the relationship between digital transformational leadership, digital agility, and digital strategy. The findings of this study provide an advanced understanding of the impact of transformational leadership, digital strategy and organizational agility on digital transformation and the role of digital strategy in Chinese technological companies.</p> Jun Cui Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Integrated Social Sciences and Humanities Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Legal Minimum Employment Age in China Should be Advanced to 15 <p class="MDPI17abstract">Through close reading of the Compulsory Education Law and the Labor Law, we found that there exists a group of “hot seat people” in the provisions of Chinese law. Through analysis of the China Statistical Yearbooks and statistics collected by some local courts and procuratorates, we found that the number of “hot seat people” is large and the criminal tendency of these people is serious. By collating data from the United Nations, we found that about four-fifths of the countries’ minimum employment age is lower than or equal to the terminate age of compulsory education. On this basis, the paper holds that with the constrains of initiative and terminate age of compulsory education, the legal minimum employment age in China should be advanced to 15.</p> Wei Bu, Chongye Huang, Qin Wang Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Integrated Social Sciences and Humanities Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Combining Art and Science: Adapting Poetry, Dance, and Music to Create Awareness of Women’s Mental Health—Observations from a Novel Experiment in the Community <p>Mental health awareness is crucial for early help-seeking and recovery in the field of mental health. Determinants of mental health include individual attributes, such as the ability to manage one’s thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and interactions with others. Additionally, social, cultural, economic, political, and environmental factors, along with specific psychological, personality, and genetic factors, play a significant role. This is especially true in the area of women’s mental health. Strengthening mental health awareness in India by employing innovative methods is essential. The author describes observations from a novel experiment conducted for various target populations in the community. This innovative program series was implemented in 50 different places. The qualitative data collected indicates that the program allows for a didactic pattern of interaction, enables the community to express their views, ask questions, and is more effective than routine posters, lectures, and advertisements used for mental health awareness campaigns. It appears to be more effective than using a single mode of creativity, such as literature, music, or dance. The author concludes that systematic studies need to be encouraged in this area. Mental health awareness efforts in India should include innovative techniques involving artists, writers, and psychiatrists.</p> Kalmane Sridhara Pavitra Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Integrated Social Sciences and Humanities Tue, 14 May 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Crosslinguistic Influence of Topic and Subject Prominence Distinction on L2 Acquisition and Processing <p>The distinction between topic-prominent languages (TPL) and subject-prominent languages (SPL) was first proposed by Li and Thompson and has since been widely accepted by linguists as a typology to classify languages. The introduction of the notion of topic prominence into the research field of SLA triggered a wealth of studies. Empirical researches of crosslinguistic influence have been conducted from different directions (i.e., topic-prominence (TP) to subject-prominence (SP), or SP to TP) via behavioral or electrophysiological methods, with participants from various L1 backgrounds and language proficiency, but the findings on how the typological distinction functions in L2 acquisition and processing are inconsistent. This paper sorts out and compares the TP and SP features, reviews the previous researches on the transfer of TP and SP features, and comments on its research content and methods.</p> Mengmeng Tang, Qianyu Huang Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Integrated Social Sciences and Humanities Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 A CLD Based Approach to Discover the Boundaries between Music and Satisfaction in Work Life <p>It is wisely said by William Congreve that music has a charm to soften hard rocks and bend a knotted oak. But does it have any effect at all on busy and stressed-out working people? According to researches, it certainly does. Music has a wide applicability across all the disciplines and the contribution of eminent personalities from diversified back- grounds further enhanced its scope. The role and impact of music in job related work environment has been indicated by various authors and researchers. Music is often treated as a catalytic element for stress management, happiness and helps in performance improvement of employees in the organization. There is an empirically validated positive impact of recorded music on quality of work life (QWL) for employees during work. This serves as the foundation on which this particular paper is focused. The paper discusses some evidences and experiments on how the amalgamation of music in the working environment is significant for better work related to performance, satisfaction and as a focus building tool. Finally with the help of a causal loop diagram (CLD) made through NGT workshops with the experts, the study attempts to explain the cyclic relationship between music insertion and employee satisfaction along with several in-between variables.</p> Hans Kaushik Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Integrated Social Sciences and Humanities Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Exploring Educational Attainment among Individuals with Physical Disabilities: A Case Study in Bangladesh <p>This research aims to explore the educational attainment of people with physical impairments in Bangladesh. The objective is to determine the obstacles, chances, and tactics that help or impede academic achievement in this particular group of people via an extensive case study. The present study utilized qualitative and quantitative methods to collect data on educational achievement, age, gender, income, expenditure, educational expenditure, allowance, and other sources of income. The study investigated the demographic composition, educational level, and influence of variables on the educational attainment of individuals with physical disabilities in various municipal areas of Dhaka, Chattogram, Barishal, and Noakhali. Logistic and probabilistic regression analysis has been used in this context. The results showed that the demographic makeup of people with disabilities in Dhaka, Chattogram, and Noakhali was varied. There was a wide range in educational attainment, and variables including age, gender, income, and educational spending showed a significant impact. The results of probabilistic and logistic regression analysis showed a significant connection between these factors and academic accomplishment. The results will guide focused initiatives and policy changes aimed at improving educational equity and assistance for people with physical disabilities.</p> Afrida Jinnurain Urbee, Mohammad Ridwan, Asif Raihan Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Integrated Social Sciences and Humanities Tue, 28 May 2024 00:00:00 +0800