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The Impact of Explainable AI on Customer Trust and Satisfaction in Banking
This study employed a structured questionnaire to gather data from bank customers, focusing on customer perceptions of Explainable AI, Customer Trust (CT), and Customer Satisfaction (CS) in the banking sector. A total of 180 questionnaires were distributed, with 169 valid responses analyzed. The study selected various indicators such as Customer Age, Education Level, Risk Appetite, Previous Internet Experience, Previous AI Experience, Engagement, Post-Use Feedback, Personalized Service, Prediction Accuracy, Data Privacy, System Reliability, Service Efficiency, and Information Push to assess their impact on customer trust and satisfaction. Reliability and validity analyses ensured the robustness of the collected data. Ordered prohbit analysis revealed significant influences of variables like Customer Risk Preference, Perceived Innovation, and Perceived Accuracy on customer trust and satisfaction.
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Supporting Agencies
- Funding: Not applicable.