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Influence of E-Waste Management in Green-Computing
Over the past two decades, extensive use of electronic devices and rapid urbanization have produced significant electronic waste that pollutes soil, water, and the environment. As a result, environmental activists and scientists around the world now prioritize pollution control and environmental safety above all. One of the by-products of urbanization, electronic waste disposal, has emerged as a foremost social issue. According to the Global E-Waste Monitor 2020, consumers worldwide disposed of 53.6 million tonnes worth of electronics in 2019, an increase of 20% over the previous five years. The gradual deposition of these electronic wastes results in the accumulation of different toxic and heavy metals like lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd), among others, because these wastes are not biodegradable and contaminate groundwater and soil. In turn, groundwater contamination has an impact on animals, plants, and the entire living system, posing serious health risks and problems. As a result, proper disposal of these electronic wastes has emerged as an urgent need. The process of designing, manufacturing, utilizing, and managing products in an environmentally responsible manner is referred to as "green computing. "E-waste has arisen as a growing environmental issue. The environment and ecology face a problem that cannot be avoided: the use of e-waste. This paper aims to describe e-waste management to implement green computing. The reader of this paper is provided with information about e-waste management and green computing, as well as their potential interactions during the activation process. As a result, e-waste management is working as a green computing strategy.
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- This research received no external funding.