
Zhang, H., Zhu, D., Gan, Y., & Xiong, S. . (2024). End-to-End Learning-Based Study on the Mamba-ECANet Model for Data Security Intrusion Detection. Journal of Information, Technology and Policy, 1–17.

End-to-End Learning-Based Study on the Mamba-ECANet Model for Data Security Intrusion Detection

With the rapid development of information technology, network security issues have become increasingly prominent. In particular, data security intrusions pose serious threats to the data privacy and system security of enterprises and individuals. Traditional intrusion detection systems often exhibit low detection accuracy and high false alarm rates when faced with complex and dynamic network environments and diverse attack methods. Therefore, this paper proposes a data security intrusion detection system based on deep learning, which integrates the Mamba model and ECANet model and employs an end-to-end learning approach for training and optimization. First, the Mamba model is introduced for preliminary data feature extraction, whose efficient feature representation capabilities provide a solid foundation for the subsequent detection process. Then, by integrating the ECANet model, feature selection is further optimized through the attention mechanism, enhancing the model’s focus on important features. Finally, an end-to-end learning approach is adopted to train and optimize the entire system, ensuring excellent performance and robustness in practical applications. Experimental results show that the proposed intrusion detection system demonstrates higher detection accuracy on multiple test datasets, improving by approximately 5% compared to traditional methods, providing a new and effective solution for data security.

data security; anomaly detection; Mamba model; ECANet model; end-to-end learning; feature extraction


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Supporting Agencies

  1. Funding: Not applicable.