
Dai, W. . (2023). Design of Traffic Improvement Plan for Line 1 Baijiahu Station of Nanjing Metro. Innovations in Applied Engineering and Technology, 2(1).

Design of Traffic Improvement Plan for Line 1 Baijiahu Station of Nanjing Metro

The article proposes design improvements for the current issues at Baijiahu Station, reorganizing the layout of surrounding transportation facilities to address the existing disorder. Based on an understanding of Baijiahu Metro Station, the article analyzes the regional conditions, target service users, and potential future service users. Through on-site inspections and predictions based on current pedestrian flow data and conditions, the article forecasts the future demand for various transportation modes at Baijiahu Station. Subsequently, it puts forward improvement measures and plans concerning the layout of public facilities around Baijiahu Metro Station, the integration of subway and surface transportation, and crowd organization. These proposals aim to provide feasible planning solutions for the reconstruction and future development of Baijiahu Metro Station. Finally, the article uses simulation software to compare the effects before and after the improvements. This allows the optimized plan to effectively enhance the service efficiency and quality of the metro station, facilitating the rational integration of the subway into urban transportation and thereby improving the city's public transportation capacity and service standards.

subway stations transportation facilities transportation connection future predictions improving design


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Supporting Agencies

  1. Funding: Not applicable.