
Kumar, S., & Md. Alamgir. (2024). Hurdles in the Adoption of Digital Technologies in the Agriculture sector of Bihar. Economics & Management Information, 3(3), 1–10.

Hurdles in the Adoption of Digital Technologies in the Agriculture sector of Bihar

Purpose: Since digitization has significant potential to benefit both farmers and consumers, there is currently a strong drive for its wider adoption in the agricultural sector. However, bringing technological advancements to rural areas presents a number of difficulties. Bihar's rural areas are going through a digital transformation. The primary impediments to the digitalization of the agriculture sector in Bihar are examined in this study. Research Design/ methodology: There are three sources for the information used in the analysis. One from literature reviews, the second from official government websites/reports, and the third as responses of farmers towards the constraints of using Digital technologies in the agriculture sector of Bihar. It also incorporates the researcher's personal observations and measurements of events. On the basis of information collected from the 210 respondent farmers, we highlighted the main constraints of digitalization that farmers are facing in the agriculture sector in Bihar. Findings: Digitalization in the agricultural sector decreases costs, boosts productivity and quality, increases prices, minimizes risks, and nurtures a more sustainable ecology. The finding of the study indicates that Hesitation in adopting digital technologies due to small and fragmented land, Lack of training and motivation to capitalize on agriculture, High cost, insufficient power supply, poor internet connection in a rural area, lack of skill and awareness, are main lack of subsidies are main hurdles in an adaptation of digitalization in the agriculture sector of Bihar. Suggestion: Effective Farmers' interest in Digitalization and financial support in terms of subsidy may aid them in startups also. A new level of development for the farm sector has been enabled by the combination of technology and financial support. The findings of the study will be helpful for policymakers to evaluate the scheme. Value/ Novelty: The study provides a fresh theoretical viewpoint on the digitalization of rural and agricultural growth, which has an impact on the entitlements of millions of farmers nationwide.

digital technologies; smart farming; agriculture 4.0; agriculture 5.0; subsidy; sustainability


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  1. Funding: Not applicable.