
chen, jiaxian, Gu, Z., Peng, S., Gu, J., & Shen, Y. (2024). Discussion on the influence of the external effects of agricultural mechanization on rural revitalization, path exploration, and policy exploration. Economics & Management Information, 3(2), 1–10.

Discussion on the influence of the external effects of agricultural mechanization on rural revitalization, path exploration, and policy exploration

The agricultural mechanization revolution is a productivity transition based on technological evolution in the history of China's agriculture. In order to better explore the agricultural mechanization model that is most suitable for China, and to guide and make good use of the external effects of agricultural mechanization to supplement the advantages of rural revitalization, the In terms of policy, we will lay a solid foundation and support for China's agricultural mechanization, so as to fully solve the problems of hollowing and aging in the countryside in the next 15 years, and explore the path of realizing Chinese-style rural revitalization. Based on the reading of many previous literatures, this paper makes a profound reflection on the characteristics of China's regions and the problems existing in rural evolution. Based on the law of rural evolution in the next 15 years, it proposes, analyzes and solves problems. And put forward the evolution methods and policy choices that our country should pay attention to in this rural revitalization strategy adjustment.

agricultural mechanization; external effects; rural revitalization


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Supporting Agencies

  1. Funding: 1. Guangdong Provincial Education Science Planning Project "Research on Excellent Talent Training Mechanism of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Agricultural and Forestry Institutions Facing Rural Revitalization (2023GXJK251)". 2. The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project of Guangdong Baiyun University: The Exploration and research on the creative and deep integration teaching mode of digital economy courses under the OBE concept (Bycxcy20230317). 3. 2023 Guangdong Baiyun University, Higher Education Reform project-practical Education Reform Project: OBE concept based on the platform of “Digital Economics” workshop-based hybrid teaching reform (BYJY202315).