
Li, C., & Tang, Y. (2024). Emotional Value in Experiential Marketing: Driving Factors for Sales Growth – A Quantitative Study from the Eastern Coastal Region. Economics & Management Information, 3(3), 1–13.

Emotional Value in Experiential Marketing: Driving Factors for Sales Growth – A Quantitative Study from the Eastern Coastal Region

This quantitative research investigates the impact of perceived emotional value in luxury experiential marketing, particularly its influence on the likelihood of repeat purchases. Conducted quantitatively in Shanghai, a city in the Eastern coastal region of China, the research collected data from 206 customers who purchased luxury goods. The findings show a significant positive correlation between customers' perception of emotional value and the likelihood of repeat luxury purchases. Customer satisfaction plays a crucial mediating role in linking customers' perception of emotional value to the likelihood of repeat purchases, while gender does not moderate this relationship. These results underscore the importance of integrating diverse emotional value services into smart marketing strategies. By doing so, businesses can not only enhance customer satisfaction but also significantly improve overall luxury sales performance. This research emphasizes the strategic value of nurturing meaningful customer experiences, thereby strengthening market presence and competitiveness in the dynamic luxury business environment.

smart marketing emotional value; customer satisfaction; luxury goods


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Supporting Agencies

  1. Funding: The authors declare that no external funding or financial support was received to conduct or support the research presented in this study.