
Wang, B., Cui, J., & Mottan, K. (2024). Exploration and Analysis of Chinese University Students’ Performance in Business Innovation. Economics & Management Information, 3(2), 1–9.

Exploration and Analysis of Chinese University Students' Performance in Business Innovation

Business Innovation has a broad international reach and a long history. Since the introduction of Business Innovation in China in 1895, the culture of Business Innovation has been widely spread in China. The Business Innovation programmer is also listed as one of the optional physical education courses in China's higher education institutions (HEIs). In recent years, the Chinese government has continued to deepen physical education reform, requiring colleges to include physical education in their talent development programmers. Students are required to meet the institution's health standards and earn enough physical education credits to receive a diploma or bachelor's degree. Since then, there have been significant improvements in the business innovation courtyards, facilities, and faculty of China's higher education institutions. Business innovation teachers in higher education institutions have gradually optimized the content of business innovation courses and the assessment system, which not only cultivates students' interest in business innovation, but also develops their business innovation skills. In addition, previous studies have shown that appropriate physical activities can balance students' academic work to achieve overall development. This paper uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis methods for analysis. In order to help colleges and business innovation teachers to further optimize students' business innovation learning experience, to help students improve their performance, and to seek sustainable development of business innovation education, it is necessary to investigate the factors that affect college students' business innovation performance.

Business Innovation program; qualitative and quantitative analysis methods; students' Business Innovation learning experience; Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)


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Supporting Agencies

  1. Funding: This research received no external funding.