
Liang, Y., & Cheng , B. (2023). Research on Adolescent Physical Health Policy Change – Based on Discontinuous Equilibrium Theory. Global Sport Science, 1(1), 30.

Research on Adolescent Physical Health Policy Change – Based on Discontinuous Equilibrium Theory

 Based on the punctuated equilibrium theory, this paper explains the internal mechanism of the policy change of adolescents' physical health. The study found that the youth physical health policy presents an evolution from equilibrium to intermittent to long-term equilibrium. When the policy landscape is relatively stable, the policy will undergo gradual fine-tuning. When the policy landscape cannot adapt to the external environment, the policy will change. . The study not only verified the applicability of the punctuated equilibrium theory for adolescent physical health policies, but also made a Chinese revision of the punctuated equilibrium theory, and provided enlightenment for the decision-making practice of adolescent physical health.

teenagers physical health policy policy changes discontinuous equilibrium theory


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