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Zhang, Y., & He, Z. (2023). The Development of Golf in Shanghai: Present Situation, Problems and Implementation Path. Global Sport Science, 1(1), 56.

The Development of Golf in Shanghai: Present Situation, Problems and Implementation Path

Into the new era, to explore the development of golf in Shanghai, the existing problems and countermeasures. Around the development of golf in the three aspects of the theoretical issues, namely, how the development of golf in Shanghai, what are the remaining problems, and how to achieve the development of golf. On the basis of current research, this paper analyzes the rules and reference paths of the positive interaction between golf and Shanghai's urban development, so as to provide theoretical guidance and decision-making reference for the healthy development of golf in Shanghai. The research shows that: (1) there are a large number of potential golf consumers in Shanghai, and golf course construction, education and training and event operation are relatively mature. However, in terms of market fit, continuous exploration is still needed to achieve standardization, scale and collaboration development; (2) Compared with the status quo of golf development in the United States, the remaining problems in the development of golf in Shanghai mainly revolve around four aspects: population, courses, education and training and events; (3) The implementation path of the high-quality development of golf in Shanghai includes clarifying the value orientation of golf and pursuing the unity of three-dimensional interests; The implementation of golf industry autonomy and legislation, strict market access mechanism; Existing golf events to do fine and strong, the competition that has not been launched should be introduced and innovated; Develop the whole population golf education, standardize the whole process of education system.

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