
Li, C., & Tang, Y. . (2023). The Factors of Brand Reputation in Chinese Luxury Fashion Brands. Journal of Integrated Social Sciences and Humanities, 1–14.

The Factors of Brand Reputation in Chinese Luxury Fashion Brands

This study employs an ordinary least squares (OLS) regression approach to investigate the impact of digitalization, innovation, marketing, and social media presence on the brand reputation of Chinese luxury fashion brands listed on the Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Exchanges from 2012 to 2022. The findings of this study reveal that digitalization, marketing, and social media presence positively influence brand reputation, while innovation negatively affects it, suggesting that certain innovative designs may mislead consumers. Heterogeneity analyses based on fashion cycle, industry group, and firm size further indicate that these factors have varying impacts depending on the brand’s specific characteristics. For example, digitalization and social media are more impactful for small-sized and footwear brands, while marketing has a stronger effect on large-sized apparel brands. Policy implications suggest that luxury fashion brands should align their strategies with these findings, particularly by emphasizing digitalization and social media presence to enhance brand reputation, and cautiously approach innovation to align with consumer expectations.

luxury fashion brands; digitalization; innovation; marketing; social media presence


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