About the Journal

Journal of Integrated Social Sciences and Humanities (JISSH) is a multidisciplinary platform dedicated to the exploration and dissemination of innovative research at the intersection of social sciences and humanities. With a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, JISSH aims to foster a vibrant scholarly community that engages with complex societal issues through an integrated lens, encompassing diverse perspectives from the fields of sociology, anthropology, psychology, history, literature, philosophy, and related disciplines.

The journal provides a comprehensive platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to publish and access high-quality, original research that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries. JISSH welcomes contributions that address critical social and cultural phenomena, historical developments, philosophical inquiries, and contemporary human experiences, offering a forum for rigorous academic inquiry and intellectual exchange. ISSN(Online): 3041-069X

Current Issue

Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2024
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