
Bu, W., Huang, C., & Wang, Q. (2024). The Legal Minimum Employment Age in China Should be Advanced to 15. Journal of Integrated Social Sciences and Humanities.

The Legal Minimum Employment Age in China Should be Advanced to 15

Through close reading of the Compulsory Education Law and the Labor Law, we found that there exists a group of “hot seat people” in the provisions of Chinese law. Through analysis of the China Statistical Yearbooks and statistics collected by some local courts and procuratorates, we found that the number of “hot seat people” is large and the criminal tendency of these people is serious. By collating data from the United Nations, we found that about four-fifths of the countries’ minimum employment age is lower than or equal to the terminate age of compulsory education. On this basis, the paper holds that with the constrains of initiative and terminate age of compulsory education, the legal minimum employment age in China should be advanced to 15.

hot seat people legal employment age idle minors


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Supporting Agencies

  1. This research received no external funding.