
Cui, J. (2024). Does digital strategy, organizational agility, digital lead-ership promote DT? A study of digital strategy, organiza-tional agility, digital leadership affects corporate DT in Chinese technological firms. Journal of Integrated Social Sciences and Humanities.

Does digital strategy, organizational agility, digital lead-ership promote DT? A study of digital strategy, organiza-tional agility, digital leadership affects corporate DT in Chinese technological firms

Digital transformation (DT), digital strategy and digital leadership, digital agility seem to be concomitant phenomena in recent years, drawing a NIT theory, TAM theory and digital transformation theory, this study developed and tested a model and hypothesis on how digital transformational leadership, digital strategy and organizational agility influence digital transformation. Alternatively, this paper found that digital transformational leadership, digital strategy and organizational agility positively influence digital transformation and their relationships. This study uses survey data from the Chinese companies -Qihoo and Didi Global as a sample. The sample size is more than 220 respondents. The quantitative text analysis method is used to measure the attention to digitalization of Qihoo and Didi companies. This paper discusses: (1) explore the relationship between digital transformational leadership, organizational agility and digital strategy, and how they affect digital transformation in China (Qihoo360 and Didi Global firm). (2) identify the firm's measurement items of digital transformation organizational in the relationship between digital transformational leadership, digital agility, and digital strategy. The findings of this study provide an advanced understanding of the impact of transformational leadership, digital strategy and organizational agility on digital transformation and the role of digital strategy in Chinese technological companies.

Digital Transformation Leadership Digital strategy and Organizational agility Enterprise Digital Transformation Digital strategy and Regression Analysis, NIT theory TAM theory and Digital Transformation theory


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